Dear Members
Commenced in 2009 to add a supplementary income stream to normal revenue raising the Club lottery has raised in excess of £10k for investment into the Club. It has proved to be a necessary but fun way to maintain a healthy and progressive Club with a succession of improvements and additions in the decade since inception.
The Club welcomes members, family supporters and friends of the Club to participate for a very modest outlay of £5 per month. As with all regulated small lotteries 50% of the sum raised each year is returned in prizes by way of a monthly draw.
The SCC lottery is aspirational in terms of its aims and ambitions ready to assist the Club in its efforts to constantly improve its facilities. Such aspiration also includes the ultimate wish to grow its membership to 100 member investors. Currently (2020) we have 50 and so we welcome new participants. We have a standard monthly draw of 4 prizes totalling £100 and occasional additions of up to £100 during the season at Club events like awards evening or a social occasion.
A copy of the rules together with an application form and contact details of the organiser are downloadable from below.
If you love cricket and wish to see it thrive in Seaford please consider joining in and supporting the Club.
Thank you
Mike Miller
100 Club Lottery Organiser